Camp Kirkwood

On Wednesday morning, I got on the bus to Kirkwood with my suitcase, sleeping bag, and string bag. It was very exciting to finally be heading to camp. I was ready to go to the camp. Most of the bus ride I just read The Hardy Boys: The Mark on the door. I talked with my friends for the rest of the bus ride to camp.

Around two hours later we arrived at Camp Kirkwood. It was wet, raining and hard to get to the pavilion. This was because of the hurricane that was passing through at the time. When I finally arrived at the pavilion there was an introduction to the campus and the rules.  After that talk we got our luggage and we were told where our cabins were. I finally got to rest for a bit after that long trip to camp. It was so good to finally know that we were at our destination that we were waiting for.

After we were settled into our cabins we got to have our first meal at Camp Kirkwood. It was a ham and cheese sandwich, an optional salad, and an apple if you wanted one.  After our lunch, we went to the flagpole to be split into groups. We were split into six groups that all went to different activities. My group, group 4, was going to the low ropes course first. It was a challenge because we had to coordinate with the rest of our group to know where to go. If you thought this sounded easy, it was not! We had blind folds and we had to know where to go as a group and not go on separate ropes or get split up. After that we went to the pool, which was really fun because we got to hang out with friends and just play in the pool. There was also a diving board which was really cool.


We did a lot of cool things at Camp Kirkwood, we did orienteering with compasses which was a challenge for me because I’ve never used a compass. One of the most memorable activities was the v-swing. It was an exhilarating activity where you would get pulled up, then you would pull a latch which would swing you several feet forward and back. Afterwards we went canoeing across the lake. It was a bit difficult communicating with the rest of your group on the canoe so that you wouldn’t crash into the sides of the lake or go off course, but it was still very fun canoeing across the lake. Something really exciting was the kanga jump which was basically a giant blob that was like a really big trampoline. On the same lake we went ziplining. It was really fun to zipline across the lake and also see the group that was canoeing at the time. 


I had a great time doing all the fun activities at Camp Kirkwood. The staff at camp were very nice and welcoming. If you needed anything they were there to help. Overall, I had a great time at Camp Kirkwood and would definitely come back to visit another time.